Award Categories

The awards offer a diverse range of categories recognising outstanding achievements in the public sector across multiple domains.

Best Use of Open Source Technologies’ Award

Open Source software is fast becoming an indispensable and prominent tool for government infrastructure. OSS allows the public sector to retain and share knowledge and skills between departments and also aids in troubleshooting existing software challenges. 

This category celebrates an organisation within the public sector that is leveraging the use of open source technology to improve efficiency and agility, promote transparency and security all while being able to cut costs in the long-term. Open-source government software brings better security, documentation, software designs, ownership, and processes to the forefront. Has your team been successfully using OSS to add value to the public sector for your organisation itself or for the public community you serve? 

The judges will award the entrant that is able to demonstrate use of OSS with a clear value proposition that is innovative, impactful and scalable.

To be eligible for the Best Use of Open Source Technologies award category, entries must meet the following criteria:

  • Innovative: Describe how the project is innovative, leveraging open-source technologies to enhance security, create efficiencies, reduce costs, solve a challenge and benefit the public. 350 words
  • Scalability: Detail the scalability of the project, does it have the potential to be scaled up or replicated to have a wider impact on the public sector. 350 words
  • Impact: Demonstrate the measurable impact of this project both within the team that has deployed it, and for the community that it benefits or problem it solves. 350 words
Best Use of Cloud in Digital Transformation Award

Much has been said about the undisputed power of the cloud and its positive impact on organisational security, sustainability, and accessibility. This category celebrates the project or initiative within the public sector that is implementing cloud-based technologies to transform Irish public services and deliver major benefits for both users and public sector bodies. 

Entrants should be able to demonstrate how their cloud solution has upgraded legacy systems, improves service delivery, and protects data sovereignty in an effort to modernise the public sector. These could be self-service applications such as government information portals, student admissions and enrollment processes, or medical applications. Organisations using hybrid cloud solutions will also be considered, so long as they can demonstrate innovation, measurable impact, and scalability.

To be eligible for the Best Use of Cloud in Digital Transformation award category, entries must meet the following criteria:

  • Innovative: Describe how the project is innovative, leveraging the cloud to upgrade a tired system or solve a challenge. 350 words
  • Scalability: Detail the scalability of the project, does it have the potential to be scaled up or replicated to have a wider impact on the public sector. 350 words
  • Impact: Demonstrate the measurable impact of this project both within the team that has deployed it, and for the community that it benefits or problem it solves. 350 words
Most Collaborative Public Sector Project Award

In today’s complex landscape, effective collaboration is more needed than ever, especially in government projects. Balancing bureaucracy, security, community impact, and innovation requires not just technical expertise but strategic thinking and leadership. Collaboration is at the very core of success in any organisation, but in the world of government projects, it takes on an even more vital and nuanced role.

This award celebrates a cross-departmental public sector project or initiative that involves two or more teams/organisations working in tandem for a greater outcome. Entries for this award category can be fully completed and implemented projects or can be at a growing stage. The project might be one that creates efficiencies, has strong community impact, or solves a public sector challenge. 

The judges will be looking for collaborative projects that have a clear value proposition and that can demonstrate a tangible positive impact, while also being innovative and scalable.

To be eligible for the Most Collaborative Public Sector Project category, entries must meet the following criteria:

  • Innovative Collaboration: Describe how the product or service is innovative, leveraging collaboration of two or more teams to solve a challenge. 350 words
  • Scalability: Detail the scalability of the product or service, does it have the potential to be scaled up or replicated to have a wider impact on the public sector. 350 words
  • Impact: Demonstrate the measurable impact of this initiative both within the collaborative teams, and for the community that it benefits or problem it solves. 350 words
Outstanding Contribution to Planet Earth Award (Product or Service)

This award recognises outstanding achievements in the planning, development and deployment of technology-driven solutions that promote sustainability, help to reduce carbon emissions, and that aim to protect the environment. This award category celebrates innovation and excellence in the design and delivery of sustainable products or services, supported by technology, that can help tackle the environmental challenges faced by society today.

Entries for this award category can be fully completed and implemented projects or can be at an advanced stage of design. The range of solutions could include: energy-efficient technologies, government data centre sustainability initiatives, smart grids, renewable energy systems, or sustainable transportation solutions.

The judges will be looking for solutions that have a clear value proposition and that can demonstrate a tangible positive impact on the environment, while also being innovative and scalable to promote broader adoption of sustainability driven solutions.

To be eligible for the Outstanding Contribution to Planet Earth in the Public Sector category, entries must meet the following criteria:

  • Innovation: Describe how the product or service is innovative, leveraging technology to address environmental challenges. 350 words
  • Scalability: Detail the scalability of the product or service, does it have the potential to be scaled up or replicated to have a wider impact on the environment and society. 350 words

Impact: Demonstrate the measurable impact of this initiative. 350 words

Best Citizen/Customer Experience Award

This award recognises public sector organisations that have implemented digital solutions to deliver an exceptional citizen/customer experience. This award category celebrates innovation and excellence in designing and delivering digital solutions that meet the needs of public sector customers and improve their engagement with public services.

Entries for this award category could include a range of digital solutions, such as mobile applications, websites, chatbots, or digital portals that offer convenient and accessible services to the public. The judges will be looking for solutions that demonstrate a strong user-centric design, measurable impact on users experience, and a sustainable and scalable approach that can be replicated in other public sector organisations.

To be eligible for the Best Citizen Experience Award category, entries must meet the following criteria:

  • User-centric design: Describe how the digital solution is designed with a user-centric approach, ensuring that it meets the needs of citizens and delivers an exceptional experience. 350 words
  • Impact on citizens: Demonstrate the measurable impact on citizens’ experience, such as improved convenience, accessibility, or satisfaction. 350 words
  • Sustainability and scalability: Detail how the digital solution is sustainable and scalable, capable of delivering an exceptional citizen experience to a large number of citizens over time. 350 words
Best Community Engagement Award

This award recognises public sector organisations that have successfully engaged with their local communities through innovative and effective digital solutions.

This award category celebrates innovation and excellence in using digital tools and platforms to foster collaboration, dialogue, and co-creation with local communities.

Entries for this award category could include a range of digital solutions, such as online platforms for community feedback, citizen-led initiatives, or participatory budgeting tools that enable local communities to be more involved in decision-making processes. The judges will be looking for solutions that demonstrate an effective approach to community engagement, measurable impact on the community, and a sustainable and innovative approach that can be replicated in other public sector organisations.

To be eligible for the Best Community Engagement Award category, entries must meet the following criteria:

  • Engagement approach: Describe how the digital solution demonstrates a clear and effective approach to engaging with the local community, promoting collaboration, and encouraging participation. 350 words
  • Impact on the community: Demonstrate the measurable impact on the local community, such as improving community cohesion, promoting civic engagement, or addressing local needs. 350 words
  • Innovation and sustainability: Detail the innovative approach, how have you leveraged technology in a unique way to engage with the local community, and be sustainable over the long term. 350 words
HealthTech Innovation of the Year Award (Product or Service)

This award category recognises outstanding achievements in the development and deployment of technology-driven solutions that promote health and wellbeing. This award category celebrates innovation and excellence in the design and delivery of HealthTech products or services that can help improve health outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and enhance patient experience.

Entries for this award category could include a range of HealthTech solutions, such as telemedicine platforms, wearable devices, health management applications, or medical devices. The judges will be looking for solutions that have a clear value proposition, can demonstrate a tangible impact on health outcomes, and are scalable to promote broader adoption of HealthTech solutions in the public sector.

To be eligible for the HealthTech Innovation of the Year (Product or Service) award category, entries must meet the following criteria:

  • Innovation: Describe how the product or service is innovative, leveraging technology in a unique way to address healthcare challenges and improve health outcomes. 350 words. 
  • Impact: Demonstrate a measurable positive impact on health outcomes, such as reducing hospitalisation rates, improving patient outcomes, or reducing healthcare costs, etc. 350 words.
  • Scalability: Detail how the product or service has the potential to be scaled up or replicated to have a wider impact on health and wellbeing. 350 words.
AI Innovation of the Year Award (Product or Service)

This category recognises outstanding achievements in the development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions that can significantly enhance public sector operations and services. This award category celebrates innovation and excellence in the design and delivery of AI products or services that can help improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance user experience.

Entries for this award category could include a range of AI solutions, such as chatbots for citizen support, predictive analytics for policy decisions, or intelligent automation for back-office processes. The judges will be looking for solutions that have a clear value proposition, can demonstrate a tangible impact on public sector operations, and are developed in an ethical and responsible manner.

To be eligible for the AI Innovation of the Year (Product or Service) award category, entries must meet the following criteria:

  • Innovation: Describe how the product or service is innovative, leveraging AI technologies in a unique way to address public sector challenges and deliver tangible benefits. 350 words. 
  • Impact: Demonstrate a measurable positive impact this AI solution has on public sector operations, such as improving efficiency, reducing costs, or enhancing user experience. 350 words. 
  • Ethical considerations: Detail ways in which the AI solution demonstrates a responsible approach to data management and demonstrate adherence to ethical considerations. 350 words. 
Data Innovation of the Year Award (Product or Service)

This award category recognises outstanding achievements in the development and deployment of data solutions that can significantly enhance public sector operations and services. This award category celebrates innovation and excellence in the design and delivery of data products or services that can help improve decision-making, provide insights and generate value from large and complex data sets.

Entries for this award category could include a range of data solutions, such as data visualisation tools, predictive analytics solutions or machine learning platforms. The judges will be looking for solutions that have a clear value proposition, can demonstrate a tangible impact on public sector operations, and are developed in a responsible and sustainable manner.

To be eligible for the Data Innovation of the Year (Product or Service) award category, entries must meet the following criteria:

  • Innovation: Describe how the product or service is innovative, leveraging data technologies in a unique way to address public sector challenges and deliver tangible benefits. 350 words
  • Impact: Demonstrate a measurable positive impact on public sector operations, such as improving decision-making, generating insights or providing a competitive edge. 350 words.
  • Data management: Detail how the solution demonstrates an effective approach to data management, including data quality, security, privacy and ethical considerations. 350 words.
Digital Skills or Talent Initiative of the Year Award (Product or Service)

This Award recognises outstanding achievements in the development and implementation of initiatives that promote digital skills and talent development in the public sector. This award category celebrates innovation and excellence in the design and delivery of products or services that can help bridge the digital skills gap, upskill public sector employees and create a digitally competent workforce.

Entries for this award category could include a range of digital skills or talent development initiatives, such as training programmes, mentorship schemes, digital competency frameworks or online learning platforms. The judges will be looking for solutions that have a clear value proposition, can demonstrate a tangible impact on digital skills development in the public sector, and are scalable to promote broader adoption of digital skills and talent development initiatives.

To be eligible for the Digital Skills or Talent Initiative of the Year (Product or Service) award category, entries must meet the following criteria:

  • Innovation: Describe how the product or service must be innovative, leveraging digital technologies in a unique way to address the challenges of digital skills development in the public sector. 350 words.
  • Impact: Demonstrate a measurable positive impact on the development of digital skills or talent in the public sector, such as increasing the number of digitally skilled employees, reducing skills gaps or improving the quality of digital services. 350 words.
  • Scalability: Detail how the product or service has the potential to be scaled up or replicated to have a wider impact on digital skills development in the public sector. 350 words.
Digital Leader of the Year in Public Sector Individual Award

This award category recognises individual excellence and outstanding leadership in driving digital transformation within the public sector. This award category celebrates individuals who have shown exceptional vision, strategy, and leadership in the delivery of digital services and solutions that have had a positive impact on the public sector.

Entries for this award category are open to individuals who are currently employed in the public sector, with a clear track record of driving digital transformation within their organisation or across the public sector. The judges will be looking for individuals who have a clear passion for digital transformation, can demonstrate tangible achievements, and have the potential to make a significant impact in the field of digital leadership within the public sector.

To be eligible for the Digital Leader of the Year in Public Sector award category, entries must meet the following criteria:

  • Leadership: Describe how the individual demonstrates exceptional leadership skills in driving digital transformation within the public sector, through setting a clear vision, strategy, and direction.
  • Impact: Demonstrate a measurable positive impact on the public sector, such as improving service delivery, reducing costs, enhancing citizen engagement, or driving innovation.
  • Innovation: Detail how the individual demonstrates exceptional innovation in the delivery of digital services and solutions, leveraging emerging technologies, or fostering a culture of innovation within the public sector.
Rising IT Star in the Public Sector Award

This award recognises individual excellence and outstanding achievements in the field of IT within the public sector. This award category celebrates individuals who have shown exceptional potential, dedication and innovation in the delivery of IT services and solutions that have had a positive impact on the public sector.

Entries for this award category are open to individuals who are currently employed in the public sector, have been working in the IT field for less than 5 years, and have demonstrated exceptional potential, dedication and innovation in the delivery of IT services and solutions. The judges will be looking for individuals who have a clear passion for IT, can demonstrate tangible achievements, and have the potential to make a significant impact in the field of IT in the public sector.

We look forward to receiving your entry. There will be no shortlist published in this category. One overall winner will be chosen by the judges in advance and will be announced on the night.

Best ICT Project of the Year Award - Education Sector

The Best ICT Project of the Year award recognises a public service technology project that has transformed business operations in the workplace and/or customer experiences. The award is not limited to any specific type of project, as long as it uses IT to benefit the organisation or its clients and measurable results or impact can be demonstrated.

Best ICT Project of the Year Award - Public Sector

The Best ICT Project of the Year award recognises a public service technology project that has transformed business operations in the workplace and/or customer experiences. The award is not limited to any specific type of project, as long as it uses IT to benefit the organisation or its clients and measurable results or impact can be demonstrated.

Security & Privacy Leader or Team of the Year in the Public Sector Award 

This award recognises both individuals and teams within public sector organisations who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in implementing security and privacy measures to protect public sector information systems.

Entries for this award category could include individuals and teams who have implemented good data protection policies, risk management frameworks, secure infrastructure deployment and data encryption protocols. It could also include those who have promoted the development of privacy-enhancing technologies, innovative approaches to data anonymisation, and successful implementation of data privacy impact assessments. Any individual or team nominated should be able to showcase how they have made all relevant stakeholders within the organisation aware of the importance of security and privacy in the workplace.

We look forward to receiving your entry. Just to note that there will be no shortlist published in this category. One overall winner will be chosen by the judges in advance and will be announced on the night.

Lifetime Achievement Award

Judges Choice, suggestions for nominees will be accepted.

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